Litter Picking Group - This Year
Barrow Community Litter Pickers
Barrow Community Litter Pickers Schedule for 2025
Future dates for your diary:
- 10th Great British Spring Clean will take place from 21 March - 6 April
- Monday 7th April - Willow Road Green belt area
Tasks Completed:
- 3rd March - Barrow Weir back waters
- 17th February - Barrow Weir & One Man Bridge
- Feb 3rd - Broadway's Meadow & Towpath towards Pillings Lock
There are a number of volunteers that are now going out every day, or every week in small groups to help keep the village very tidy. Our larger group will get together monthly and also for events such as The Great British Spring Clean
Routes around the village that get cleared regularly include:
1. Flesh Hovel Lane to Pillings Lock (+ Barrow Road to the A6 bridge, the roundabout and the slip road onto the A6)
2. Cotes Road from Willow Road to Walton Road junction
3. Nottingham Road from Fishpool Way to the White farm
4. Melton Road from Fishpool Way to (the former) Quorn Hunt dog-kennels
5. Sileby Road from Huston Close to the railway bridge
6. Slash Lane