East Midlands in Bloom Competition 2020

This was the message we received from the RHS after this years competition was postponed due to Coronavirus:

 Click here to view the certificate we have been awarded


Dear all Bloom, IYN and Community Gardening groups,

This year an amazing sense of community spirit has enabled people to face the difficulties of this dreadful pandemic together. Through Bloom, It's Your Neighbourhood, and other community gardening activities you have laid the strong foundations that helped make your communities more resilient in these testing times.

We know that people have felt closer to nature through lockdown and valued access to green space so much more, and we have heard that people are valuing your work more than ever before.

At the RHS and the Bloom Regions and Nations we have been incredibly moved by your stories of courage, creativity and ingenuity in helping your wider communities through this time.

Even those groups who have not been able to carry out activities this year are still an important part of a wider movement to make all our communities stronger, greener and happier.

We want to recognise how important you all are and how valuable your work is with certificates in 2020.

We hope that 2021 will be kinder to us all, and we look forward to working alongside you all in the year ahead.
With best wishes,

Kay Clark
RHS Community Development Manager


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Next page: Barrow in Bloom 2019


Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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