Barrow & Burton cricket club - youth section

Barrow & Burton cricket club - youth section

Barrow & Burton Cricket Club is an ECB Focus club and has clubmark status because of the work it does developing young cricketers.
There are over 100 young people in its thriving junior section, from Under 7 to Under 17. Members participate in the Leicestershire Youth Cricket League and there is a coaching programme throughout most of the year. New Young players are always welcome.

Winter practice starts in January, and is held at Soar Valley Leisure Centre in Mountsorrel.

Summer practice and games are played at the club's excellent Nottingham Road ground where the pitches are rated amongst the best in Leicestershire. The club has excellent equipment including outdoor nets and a bowling machine. Summer season membership costs £45.

The club aims to play cricket in a safe, friendly and welcoming environment. If you would like to volunteer to get involved in helping run the village club, please contact us.
Gavin Noon: 01509 412818

Tracey Nightingale: 01509 621195

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Last Updated. 12-October-2021 By Keith

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