Entrances To The Village

There are 5 entrances to the village that the Parish Council are responsible for. Barrow Road, Sileby Road, Cotes Road, Nottingham Road and Melton Road.


<-- Ammonite Sculpture on Sileby Road

The Parish Council has made efforts to make the entrances to the village more welcoming. Firstly wooden planters were installed which were planted in the Summer and Winter however when LCC changed their mowing schedule the summer grass grew over them hiding them from view. As an alternative the window boxes were installed on the signs which make a bright entrance to the village. The ammonite sculpture on Sileby Road was installed in 2014 and included a planting area. The sculpture is based on a fossil found in Barrow and donated to the British Geological Survey around 1889 by Montagu Browne, the then curator of Leicester Museum.

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Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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