Footpaths Group - Previous Years
Barrow Footpaths Group - Previous Years
2024 Footpaths Tasks Completed
- Task 24-28 12 December Piets Close Path
- Task 24-27 28 November Towpath Repairs - middle bit
- Task 24-26 14 November Towpath repairs Deep Lock towards The Navi
- Task 24-25 31 October Towpath to Pillings
- Task 24-24 17 October Holy Trinity Church, Church Lane
- Task 24-23 03 October Grove Lane to Sileby Road, Sileby Road to Avon Road jitties
- Task 24-22 26 September Canal Towpath - Deep Lock to The Navi
- Task 24-21 29 August Barrow Boating towpaths
- Task 24-20 22 August Bottom of Branston Avn
- Task 24-19 15 August Brooker Close play area paths
- Task 24-18 08 August Strancliffe Lane to Nottingham Road
- Task 24-17 25 July Shooting Close Lane
- Task 24-16 18 July Cricket Grounds Fishpool Brook
- Task 24-15 11 July Towpaths and footpaths on the canal
- Task 24-14 04 July Buttermere Way - Strancliffe Lane
- Task 24-13 27 June Cotes Road to Bridge Street
- Task 24-12 13 June Grove Lane- Sileby Road - Avon Road, Mill Lane
- Task 24-11 06 June Bridge Street
- Task 24-10 30 May Church Lane Jitty
- Task 24-09 16 May Riverside View Railings
- Task 24-08 02 May Riverside View Spruce Up
- Task 24-07 Planting new saplings - Buttermere Way
- Task 24-06 Fishpool Brook - Pell Close
- Task 24-05 Piets Close - Brambles and Ivy
- Task 24-04 Millennium Park paths
- Task 24-03 Towpath Repairs from Deep Lock end
- Task 24-02 Towpath Repairs from Barrow Boating end
- Task 24-01 Piets Close - clearing the mud
2024 Pennywort Team Tasks Completed
- PW11 - 18 December
- PW10 - 30 November
- PW09 - 15 August
- PW08 - 01 August
- PW07 - 25th July
- PW06 - 18th July
- PW05 - 1st July
- PW04 - 6th June
- PW03 - 24th May
- PW02 - 25th April
- PW01 - 11th April
2023 Tasks Completed
- Task 23-26 Bridge St High St corner
- Task 23-25 King George V
- Task 23-24 Millennium Park
- Task 23-23 Towpath Repairs
- Task 23-22 Brooker Close Play area
- Task 23-21 Towpath to Pillings
- Task 23-20 Wildflower verge Cotes Rd
- Task 23-19 Grove - Sileby - Avon
- Task 23-18 Melton Road / Fishpool Brook
- Task 23-17 Navi to Deep Lock
- Task 23-16 Buttermere Way
- Task 23-15 Shooting Close Lane & Church Lane
- Task 23-14 New St, Breachfield
- Task 23-13 Footpath over railway lines
- Task 23-12 Strancliffe Lane - Mud alley
- Task 23-11 One Man Bridge & Towpath
- Task 23-10 Cricket Club Fishpool Brook
- Task 23-09 Grove Lane / Sileby Road / Avon Road
- Task 23-08 Piets Close
- Task 23-07 Bridge Street Amenity Area - painting/staining
- Task 23-06 Bridge Street Amenity area - Shrubs
- Task 23-05 Millennium Park Main Entrance
- Task 23-04 WI Garden
- Task 23-03 Millennium Park
- Task 23-02 King George V Park
- Task 23-01 Piets Close Path
2022 Tasks Completed:
- Task 22-25 Bridge Street Waterside with CRT
- Task 22-24 King George V park - Gardens
- Task 22-23 Willow Road areas
- Task 22-22 Towpath to Pillings Lock
- Task 22-21 Cemetery Hedges
- Task 22-20 Cemetery Hedges
- Task 22-19 Moorings Jitty
- Task 22-18 Fishpool Brook
- Task 22-17 The Rookery path
- Task 22-16 Towpath Deep Lock to the Navigation
- Task 22-15 Grove Lane - Sileby Road - Avon Road
- Task 22-14 Mill Lane to A6 underpasses
- Task 22-13 Buttermere Hedgerow
- Task 22-12 Blooming up Bridge Street - Painting 3
- Task 22-11 Blooming up Bridge Street - Painting 2
- Task 22-10 Blooming up Bridge Street - Painting 1
- Task 22-09 Blooming up Bridge Street - Gravel 3
- Task 22-08 Blooming up Bridge Street - Gravel 2
- Task 22-07 Blooming up Bridge Street - Gravel 1
- Task 22-06 Blooming up Bridge Street - Planters
- Task 22-05 Hunting Lodge
- Task 22-04 Jerusalem Island
- Task 22-03 Millennium Park - perimeter trees
- Task 22-02 Moorings Jitty to the railway bridge
- Task 22-01 Mill Lane footpath towards Bridge Street
2021 Tasks Completed:
- Last Task - 16th December - Christmas Meal at Soar Bridge Inn
- Task 21-24 - 9th December - Cotes Rd - Railway Bridge
- Task 21-23 - 2nd December - Whip Planting
- Task 21-22 - 11th November - King George V Park
- Task 21-21 - 28th October - Millennium Park Paths
- Task 21-20 -14th October - Bridge Street amenity area
- Task 21-19 30th September - Melton Road
- Task 21-18 16th September - Cemetery Paths part 2
- Task 21-17 6th September - The Lime Kilns
- Task 21-16 2nd September Cemetery Paths
- Task 21-15 19th August Moorings Jitty
- Task 21-14 5th August Melton/Breachfield Jitty
- Task 21-13 22nd July - Towpath
- Task 21-12 15th July - Strancliffe Lane
- Task 21-11 8th July - Grove-Sileby-Avon
- Task 21-10 1st July - Railway Bridge/Rookery and Strancliffe/School footpath
- Task 21-09 - 24th June - Cricket pitch and Fishpool Brook footpaths
- Task 21-08 - 17th June - Meet Old Station car park
- Task 21-07 - 10th June - Mill Lane Footpath & Towpath by Navigation
- Task 21-06 - 27th May - Shooting Close Lane
- Task 21-05 - 10th May - (Joint task with Litter Picking Group) - Barrow Road
- Task 21-04 - 4th May - Re-gravel Mill Lane
- Task 21-03 - 29th April - Moorings Jitty
- Task 21-02 - 8th April - Towpath to Pillings Lock
- Task 21-01 - 1st April - Millennium Park path
Our task were put on hold from 4th Jan 2021 until 28th March 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
2020 Tasks Completed:
- Task 20-17 - 10th December - High St/Bridge St and Barrow Deep Lock
- Task 20-16 - 29th October - Melton Road to Breachfield Road jitty
- Task 20-15 - 15th October - Cemetry paths cont....
- Task 20-14 - 1st October - Cemetry paths
- Task 20-13 - 17th September - Fishpool Brook Footpath
- Task 20-12 - 3rd September - Cotes Road to Railway Bridge Jitty
- Task 20-11 - 20th August - Grove Land to Sileby Road jitty & Sileby Road to Avon Road jitty
- Task 20-10 - 6th August - Footpath alongside Humphrey Perkins
- Task 20-09 - 23 July - Footpath towards Seagrave
- Task 20-08 - 9 July - Towpath and Footpaths between Navigation and Barrow Deep Lock
- Task 20-07 - 25 June - Footpaths around the cricket pitch
Our task were put on hold from 17th March until 24th June due to COVID-19 restrictions. As of 25th June - New guidelines for social distancing and safe working have been put in place
- Task 20-06 - 12 March - Shooting Close Lane and Melton Road
- Garden Task - 10 March Joint task with Barrow Good Neighbour Scheme
- Task 20-05 - 27 February - Library, Church Lane jitty, Hollybush jitty
- Task 20-04 - 12 Feb - Jitty next to the The Moorings Pub (Cotes Road to Bridge St jitty (Bottom end))
- Task 20-03 - 30 Jan - Cotes Road to Bridge St jitty (Top end)
- Task 20-02 - 15 January - Melton Road - Breachfield jitty
- Task 20-01 - 02 January - Willow Rd/Cotes Rd roundabout
2019 & 2018 Tasks Completed:
- Task 34 - 18th December - Strancliffe Hall/Humphrey Perkins jitty
- Task 33 - 12th December - Millennium Park paths
- Task 32 - 28th November - Bridge St/High St, Canal towpath towards Mill Lane
- Task 31 - 13 November - Mill Lane Footpath (below play area)
- Task 30 - 31st October - Willow Road Play area (Brooker Close)
- Task 29 - 16th October - Grove Lane/Sileby Road & Sileby Road/Avon Road jitties
- Task 28 - 3rd October - Top of New Street jitty
- Task 27 - 19th September - A6 underpass towards Mountsorrel
- Task 26 - 5th September - Melton Road towards Fishpool Way
- Task 25 - 22 August - Jitty alongside the Mooring Pub
- Task 24 - 15 August - Towpath between Barrow Deep Lock and The Navigation
- Task 23 - 07 August - Footpath I23 towards Seagrave
- Task 22 - 01 August - One Man Bridge Footpath
- Task 21 - 25th July - Cotes Road/Bridge Street Jitty (Top)
- Task 20 - 16th July - Melton Road/Breachfield Road Jitty
- Task 19 - 10th July - Strancliffe Lane Jitties
- Task 18 - 3rd July - Shooting Close Lane Jitty
- Task 17 - 20th June - Footpaths behind the Cricket Pitch
- Task 16 - 12th June - New St to Highfields/Melton Road and Church St to New St Jitties
- Task 15 - 30th May - Fishpool Way (Part 2)
- Task 14 - 16th May - the Moorings Jitty
- Task 13 - 1st May - Melton Road and Fishpool Way
- Task 12 - 25th April - Shooting Close Lane
- Task 11 - 4th April - Boat House Jitty
- Task 10 - 20th March - Fishpool Brook footpath
- Task 9 & 1 - 9th December 2018 & 7th March 2019 - Bridge St/High St opposite Jerusalem roundabout
- Task 8 - 20th February - Footpath I23 towards Seagrave
- Task 7 - 7th February- Footpath I23 between Breachfield Road and Melton Road
- Task 6 - 24th January - Part of Footpath I32 from the Cricket Ground along part of Fishpool Brook
- Task 5 - 10th January - Mill Lane Footpath by Play area
- Task 4 - 2nd January 2019 - Millennium Park - clearing lower pathways of weeds and all paths of overhanging branches
- Task 3 & 2 - 11th & 19th December 2018 - Willow Road play area near to Brooker Close/Cotes Road
- Open Gardens - Barrow Open Garden Tasks from 2019