Barrow in Bloom Ongoing Projects

Started in 2021

King George V Sensory Gardens - Started Dec 2021

Blooming up Bridge Street Amenity Area - Started October 2021 - Click here

Holy Trinity Church Memorial Gardens - Started September 2021 - Click here

Barrow Deep Lock - Started Spring 2021 - Click here

King George V Sensory Gardens - started in Dec 2021 - new planting

Volunteers are now working closely with the Parish Council to try to improve the Sensory Gardens in King George V Park.

If you would like to be part of this team looking after the plants and gardens, please get in touch.

Adding Woodchip - 08 March 2024




We had a very generous donation of woodchip from local business Tindle Tree Care.


Volunteers were able to spread the woodchip over all the main areas of the sensory gardens.

Thank you.

Adding Woodchip - 30 November 2023 

We were really lucky to have received, very bright and early one November morning, a lorry load of woodchip from Charnwood BC and Idverde. This has been used on the entrance area from Wycliffe Avn and the bigger planting area to help keep down weeds, form a frost protection barrier for younger and tender plants, and help improve the soil.  The remaining area will get some in the new year.


Adding new Plants Summer & Autumn 2023


October 2023




August 2023


During Summer and Autumn of 2023 volunteers have been able to add a number of new plants - perennials and shrubs.

This is thanks to donations from volunteers and village residents.

New plants have also been purchased from funds provided by Barrow Parish Council for the upkeep of the gardens by Volunteers.

August 2023



July 2023


26th January - Adding Woodchip 2023





We held a Community Planting event on

Monday 25th July

to plant out all our donated plants -

see report here


Thanks to Eaton Electrical for our water supplies for the gardens

Some plants were moved in Dec 2021

Woodchip was added in May 2022

New plants, Dogwood, also planted in May 2022 for some Autumn and Winter colour

Blooming up Bridge Street - Started in October 2021 - refurbishment of the area

November 2021 - Thanks to all of the votes sent in for us, we have won £500 of goods from Dobbies to spend on this project.

May 2022/23 - We have also been awarded £500 Charnwood Borough Councillors Members Grant.

April 2023 - Donations received for planting 

25th April - New Name for Bridge Street Amenity Area - Riverside View 

20th April – painting and staining the planters
and benches 



6th April 2023 - more bramble removed before planting new shrubs

30th November 2022 - removing bramble

Community Day - 8th June 2022

Volunteers joined forces with local businesses on 8th June for a Community Day to finish the work on removing the gravel, laying topsoil in place, and sowing grass seed. 

Thank you to all involved


6th June - planters
26th May 2022 -   More Painting 19th May 2022 -   Starting the painting
5th May 2022 - Yet more gravel 21st April 2022 - More gravel removed  


7th April 2022  - Starting with the gravel 24th March 2022  - Installing the planters

We've started - October 2021

Peace Gardens - Holy Trinity Church - Started in September 2021


Work began in September 2021 and we were able to complete the planting the following month.

We are now keeping on eye on it every couple of months until the new planting becomes more established.




June 2023 - benches sanded and stained

April 2023 - general tidy up



June 2022 - Benches sanded and stained

Jan and April 2022- Leaf sweep and general tidy up


Volunteers spent a few hours in the gardens clearing leaves from the paths and giving the beds a good weed and tidy up.

Thanks to Andy, Bill and Andrew


Please read the Sept/Oct report here    


Barrow Deep Lock - Started in Spring 2021

Before volunteers began work here in early 2021 after Barrow in Bloom formed a Partner Group with the Canal and River Trust.

Deep Lock is maintained throughout the year by dedicated volunteers Karen and Brian, with occasional help from other volunteers.

April 2023

Volunteers From Barrow in Bloom worked alongside volunteers from the Canal and River Trust's Loughborough Towpath Taskforce to improve the area around Deep Lock. Read the report here or view from the images below:

27th July 2022

Green Flag Award winners 2022-24: The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

The Green Flag Award is for a 40km stretch of the River Soar and Grand Union Canal that runs between Loughborough and Leicester, which a variety of volunteer groups help to maintain throughout the year. The full press release from the Canal and River Trust can be found here.

Many Congratulations to all of our volunteers that help maintain the stretch of the towpath that Barrow in Bloom has adopted - Bridge 26 Mountsorrel through to Pillings Lock. Special thanks go to Brian and Karen Libby that carry out weekly checks of 'our patch' as well as look after the area around Deep Lock.

Brian and Karen at Deep Lock, alongside Annette, receiving the flag from CRT

A 'new' recycled bench, donated by the Parish Council, was installed in March 2022 under the trees to give some shade to those enjoying a break here.


Thanks to Nick for making this amazing planter, and Brian and Karen for planting it up with a stunning display of colourful flowers that will last throughout the summer. 

Thanks to the volunteer lock keepers at Hatton Locks for making the sign for us.


Please read the report from early 2021 when the initial work was carried out here or from the images below:



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Next page: Barrow in Bloom New Projects


Last Updated. 09-May-2024 By Barrow Footpaths Group

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