Barrow Guiding
Barrow Guiding
All contacts to Guiding movement in Barrow:
Claire Creaser 01509 880253 or ring County Office 0116 254 5290.
Rainbows - age 5-7 Brownies - age 7-10 Guides - age 10-14 Senior Section age 14-26
To put your daughter on the waiting list of any section or to volunteer help, log onto and follow the on screen instructions.
1st Barrow upon Soar Guides ….
Ages ranging from 10 - 14
Meet at the Scout Hut on Monday evenings 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
Activities for Guides include camping trips, residential trips, theatre visits, ice skating as well as working for many badges. There is also the 'Go for It' which consists of a variety of activity packs with 27 topics to choose from such as Animal Active, Glamorama, Chocolate, Passion for Fashion, and Space. Once the theme is chosen the activities are planned in patrol time and when completed and reviewed a card is presented that counts towards challenge badges; needless to say the chocolate one is very popular. One of the highlights of this year will be the Leicestershire Guide county camp at Topstones.
1st Barrow upon Soar Brownies
Meet at the Bishop Beveridge Club on Tuesdays 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Brownies is for girls of 7 – 10.
2nd Barrow upon Soar Brownies
Meet in the Trinity Rooms on Mondays 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
The Brownies have a very special year next year as they will be celebrating their one hundredth anniversary. The two packs run independent of each other, but join together for special events. In pack meetings they do lots of craft, cooking, playing games and singing. Most of these contribute towards badges. Some of the newer badges are computing, designer and numeracy. Brownies can go on pack holidays that are usually over a long weekend. Last year some of the Brownies had a sleepover at the National Space Station in Leicester and were there to see the Olympic torch arrive. What an experience.
1st Barrow upon Soar Rainbows
Meet at the Scout Hut on Tuesdays 5:15pm - 6:30pm.
Aged 5 to 7
This is the newest branch of Girlguiding. Young girls gain self- confidence by building friendships and working together. They follow a programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw which has four areas, Look, Learn, Laugh and Love. Within each area they are encouraged to observe their surroundings, learn crafts and cooking, have fun, sing songs and even make a mess. The last area is Love where the girls learn about caring and sharing and
being considerate. Not all of the activities take part indoors; they go to places like Twinlakes, Cadbury World, Wheelgate Park and they have even seen the Barrow Panto, Oh yes they have. The Rainbows also take part in village and district activities.