Barrow Greener Living
The group aims to bring awareness and support to projects that improve biodiversity, water quality, local food production, recycling, plastic waste reduction, clean energy, and other environmental issues. As a group we agree with the United Nations position that rapid and significant action is required to minimise the serious and wide-ranging consequences of climate change.
The group intends to achieve its aims by;
- Taking opportunities for community engagement at local events
- Publicising its existence with relevant articles.
- Acting as a source of information on green living initiatives.
- Raising funds through grant applications and donations.
- Working with other groups and exchanging information
- Running an effective administration.
Membership shall be open to any person who shares the aims of the group and confirmed on receipt of the annual membership fee. Membership will be available to anyone without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief. Each individual member is entitled to one vote on any issue.
For more information, go to our Facebook page:
Save Energy Save Money Booklet
Articles - Barrow Voice and Newsletters
Become a member -