Use of images of children
- Users of this domain should read and practice the specific guidance about taking and submitting photographs of children on the website. See Guidance below.
- There are two things to bear in mind in connection with child protection issues. One relates to the image, and the danger of inappropriate use of child pictures by other people. The second issue is about identity and privacy; you should always protect the anonymity of children by concealing their identity.
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This could be a sensitive area – but there’s plenty of sound, simple advice available to guide you through the taking and use of children’s images on the website. This is just a brief overview of the issue please read the attached documents for detailed information from a variety of local and national organisations.
Pictures are good. Including images of children on the website can be motivating for those involved and provide a good opportunity to promote the work of various organisations.
There are two things to bear in mind. One relates to the image and the danger of inappropriate use of child pictures by other people. This is all about child protection. The second issue is about identity and privacy; you should always protect the anonymity of children by concealing their identity.
Considerations you may need to make:
- Use group photographs rather than individual shots
- Use suitably dressed images to reduce risk of inappropriate use
- Use a recognised procedure for moderating website content
- Avoid using the first name and last name of individuals in a photograph.
- Use safe filename for image (NOT child name)
- Use safe alt text (NOT child name)
- Ensure images are appropriately stored
- Use of parental permission forms
- Report inappropriate images
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Preservation of anonymity is of paramount importance
Anyone who takes and stores digital images of children should do so securely.
- Guidance on Photographs for Use in Publicity/Promotional Material (MS Word, 33 Kb)
Please refer to the guidance below before sourcing, taking or commissioning photographs to use in publications or for use by the media.
- Photographs in Publications/Website (MS Word, 23 Kb)
- Data Protection Good Practice Note - Taking Photographs in Schools (PDF, 27 Kb)
This Good Practice Guidance is from the office of the Information Commissioner and is aimed at Local Education Authorities and those working within schools, colleges and universities. It gives advice on taking
photographs in educational institutions and whether doing so must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. - Using images and video safely on school websites (PDF, 54 Kb)
Becta is the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning.
- Home Office task force on child protection on the internet (PDF, 149 Kb)
Good practice models and guidance for the internet industry on: Chat services, Instant messaging, and Web based services