Parish Plan Action Plan - Local Government

Local government

Main target

Enabling targets


Relevant authorities

Recommended actions and comments

22. Enable people to be more involved in local government.

(see paras 37 and 38)

22.1 Keep the village informed of local government issues and policies.

22.2 Explain to the community the responsibilities and powers of the various tiers of local government and service providers.

22.3 Encourage people to attend and stand for the Parish Council.




• Leics County Council
• Charnwood Borough Council
• Barrow Parish Council

[These issues – 22.1 to 23.3 – are related and should be considered together rather than as separate actions.]

These are the responsibility of the local government bodies. A separate ‘action group’ is not needed.

23. Enable the funding of local activities.

(see para 39)

23.1 Raise the village precept to pay for additional services.

23.2 Assist village organisations to bid for funds for village projects.

23.3 Keep village organisations aware of funding sources and opportunities.

Medium term


Start now

• Parish Council

• Rural Community Council 
• Charnwood CVS
• Parish Council

• Parish Council

See comments at 22.1

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Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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