Parish Plan Action Plan - Health Services & Welfare

Village infrastructure: health services and welfare

Main target

Enabling targets


Key stakeholders

Recommended actions and comments

8. Make the health services more accessible.

(see para 15 )

8.1 Provide more staff and better facilities (eg consider an extension or second centre in the Willow Way development).

8.2 Improve the appointments system.

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• Charnwood and North West Leicestershire Primary Care Trust
• Barrow Health Centre

[These issues – 8.1 to 9.2 - are related and should be considered together rather than as separate actions.]

We recommend the creation of a ‘Health and Welfare Action Group’.

9. Improve provision for those with a long-term illness or disability.

(see para 16)

9.1 Provide more help for those with specific needs and for their carers (eg a village ‘friends’ bureau).

9.2 Provide a better link between the village and the service providers.

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• Charnwood and North West Leicestershire Primary Care Trust
• Barrow Health Centre
• Leics. County Council Social Services 
• Charnwood Volunteer Bureau and CVS

See comments at 8.1.

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Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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