Traffic Action Group - Meeting 19th February 2007


Barrow upon Soar Traffic Action Group

Meeting to be held on Tuesday 20th February 2007 at 7.30 p.m. at the Bishop Beveridge club on South Street


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of previous meeting – 16 January 2007

3. Matters arising from minutes

4. Funds

5. Advertising the Group

6. A.O.B.

7. Community Speed Watch

8. Map and Top Ten Issues (Time Permitting)

9. Next meeting



Meeting Tuesday 20th February 2007
Bishop Beveridge Club – 7.30 p.m.


C. Gilchrist D. Yates D. Smith 
S. Hobbs I. Knowles V. Brown
C.Shepherd J. Hardy R. Woodhouse T.Kershaw (County Council)R. MoorhouseA. Moore
L. Bell(Parish Council) W.Haynes P. Haynes
J.Tindle M. Smith B. Smith
N. Perkins R. Oatley M. Tansey
J. Tinworth W. Woodhouse (chair and minutes)

Wendy opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Mark White has resigned as Chair, Wendy agreed to chair the meeting and take the minutes this month but we need someone else to take over in the future. Wendy is prepared to take the chair but someone would need to take over the role of secretary.

1. Apologies:

M. White B. Henman K. Pepper
E. Dring

2. Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes for the meeting held on 16th January 2007 were agreed.

3. Matters arising from minutes:

•Figures from the mobile speed cameras on Sileby Road – the feeling was that we should still try to obtain figures specific to the Sileby Road project in Barrow. We are awaiting responses from Mike Wilson and the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Safety Camera Scheme. Tony is also hopeful of getting the information from Byron Rhodes who is chairman of the Police Authority.

•Mike Wilson agreed to ascertain what the legislation was regarding warning signs for speed limits on approach roads to villages – Still outstanding.

•Brian to ask the Parish Council to consider recommending the bollards on South Street/Melton road removal, a no right turn sign into Melton Road and traffic redirected to the island – The Parish Council have taken this forward and have received a response from Leicestershire County Council. 
“with regards to the proposals of the Traffic Action Group to remove the bollards from the corner of South Street/Melton Road, these were placed at this location to protect the properties on the corner and seen to be working and there has been no reported injury accident at this location since they went in. If the suggestion of banning the right turn into Melton Road was to be enforced then this would put more traffic onto what is already a busy roundabout. Once again I would just like to reiterate that this situation seems to be working well as there have been no injury accidents at this location in the last 5 years.”
The meeting felt quite strongly that it is only a matter of time until an accident does occur as pedestrians with push chairs and some wheelchair users have to go onto the road to get past the bollards. It was also felt that sending traffic up to the island would actually ease congestion as there are often hold ups in the flow of traffic on Sileby Road when vehicles are waiting a gap to turn right. Wendy to respond to the County Council.

•Business plan – still outstanding.

•Illegal Parking – the group felt there should be a period of zero tolerance. Nigel explained that he could not make such a decision and that if the group wanted a consideration of policy change we need to contact Inspector Yallop at Quorn station – soon to be relocated in Syston. Wendy to write giving the views of the Group. – Still outstanding.

•Wendy to ascertain details about all traffic accidents in the village in the last 5 years – This information is not held by the Parish Council. The contact is possibly Mick Bradford at Leicestershire County Council. Wendy to write to him. – awaiting response.

•Wendy to write to Matthew Lugg, Director of Highways at County Hall about the continuation of the bypass – awaiting response.

•Petition in Roundhouse – traffic lights on Sileby Road/Grove Lane junction – no one can recall the details. Colin had found out that the Parish Council had said there were too few signatures so nothing was done. As this was in 1986 we would need to start again. The issue will be taken forward with the Map and Top Ten Issues.

•Wendy to find out whether the village has a local transport plan and whether a community Street audit had been done – still outstanding.

•Traffic calming on Cotes Road and Nottingham Road – the Parish Council has agreed that the group will be part of the consultation process. – Still outstanding.

•Pedestrian Crossing on South Street – response from LCC following action by the Parish Council – 
“The possibility of introducing a package of measures in the area to support the school Travel Plan which has been developed for Hall Orchard Primary School is being considered.
As part of my investigations I will consider your member’s request for the provision of a pedestrian crossing.”

•Re the flooding of Slash Lane – this is a County Council matter that has been ongoing for some time. David felt that we may be able to achieve some re-phrasing of the traffic lights on Bridge Street when Slash Lane is inaccessible. This would improve the flow of the traffic along Sileby Road. The contact would be Matthew Lugg, Director of Highways at LCC. Wendy to write to him. – awaiting response.

•Debbie has had contact with Mike Wilson; the scheme will go ahead as soon as possible. There are some things we need to do, we need a minimum of 200 signatures to support the scheme. Everyone at the meeting took a copy of the appropriate form away and will get as many signatures as possible. Almost 3 hundred signatures obtained – thanks to all.

•Mike had given Debbie some dates when he is available for training. The majority opted for Thursday 8th February, this will be at the Parish Council Room between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Wendy to confirm the details with Mike.
The training took place.

•Volunteering fundkit – Wendy to apply for funds – still outstanding.

•Advertising in Barrow Voice and the Loughborough Echo – Done.

•The issue of drivers and the use of mobile phones – Nigel is still trying to get leaflets etc. He has asked that we remind all our friends/relatives/workmates etc. that from Feb 28th the penalty for using a hand held phone rises from £30 to £60 & 3 penalty points. Further information can be found at

A notice which had gone out at a local workplace was produced with a suggestion that it is adapted and included in local publications.

•Funding – bank account still to be opened – Ian has this in hand.

•Mark has been informed that there will be an open forum for all the groups formed following the Parish Plan sometime next year. This will be an opportunity to promote the group and discuss overlapping issues with other groups. It will also be open to villagers. Mark will try to obtain further information. – Still outstanding – Wendy to contact Arthur Gardner.

4. Funds:

Ian has the opening of a bank account in hand.

5. Advertising the group:

A notice had appeared in the Loughborough Echo and an article has been sent for inclusion in the next edition of the Barrow Voice.

6. A.O.B.:

1.There is a problem with the signage on the approaches to Grove Lane; several vehicles have been seen travelling in the wrong direction – Wendy to contact the LCC.
2.Nigel had reported that there had been an accident on 9th January when a pupil was in collision with a motor vehicle outside Humphrey Perkins School. Thankfully there were no serious injuries. However as a result of the accident the police and the school are looking into what can be done to make the area safer.
One thing being looked at is reducing the speed limit outside the school to 20 mph. Other things include an extra lollipop person and more visible school uniforms, 
It was agreed that the Group would add voice to a 20 mph limit – Wendy to contact the Parish Council.
3.The work to raise kerbs at a number of bus stops was raised with a request that we keep sight of this on the agenda and monitor the work. The question of when the work is due to start was raised. 20 – 30 houses on the new development are now occupied and a lot more are nearly ready for occupation. Tony has agreed to bring details of plans to the next meeting.
4.A question was asked about the proposed development on Sileby Road, how far have plans progressed and where will the road join Sileby Road, will there be a mini roundabout? Tony will find out all he can and report back to the next meeting.
5.There is a rumour that there will be double yellow lines at the top of Ribble Drive.

7. Community Speed Watch:

Debbie took over the meeting at this point and explained to all where we are with the Community Speed Watch Scheme. Volunteers have been trained, the sites have been vetted for safety by Mike Wilson and Debbie is in possession of 2 cameras and all the equipment. The plan is that the 2 groups will sort out their timetables for the first week. Everyone who had not attended the training but who has an hour or so to spare to help with the scheme was invited to stay.

The group then split into 2, one group led by Debbie and the other by Roger. When the timetables have been finalised Debbie and Roger will let Mike and Nigel know the venues and times.

8. Map and Top Ten Issues Time Permitting:

There was no time to discuss this issue.

9. Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be at the Bishop Beveridge club on Tuesday 20 March at 7.30 p.m.

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Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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