Traffic Action Group - Meeting 17th October 2006


Barrow upon Soar Traffic Action Group

Meeting to be held on Tuesday 17 October 2006 at 7.30 p.m. at the Bishop Beveridge club on South Street


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of previous meeting – 19 September 2006

3. Matters arising from minutes

4. Community Speed Watch

5. Map and Top Ten Issues

6. Funding

7. A.O.B.

8. Next meeting



Meeting Tuesday 17th October 2006
Bishop Beveridge Club - 7.30 p.m.


C. Gilchrist D. Yates J. Tinworth
M. White (Chair) S. Hobbs I. Knowles
W. Woodhouse (minutes) D. Norton C.Shepherd 
J. Tindle (Treasurer)

Mark opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.

1. Apologies:

V. Brown
R. Brown
E. Dring
K. Pepper
D. Smith
J. Hardy
M. Tansey
R. Woodhouse
R. Moorhouse

2. Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes for the meeting held on 19 September 2006 were agreed.

3. Matters arising from minutes:

• Tony Kershaw agreed to try to obtain figures from the mobile speed cameras on Sileby Road – Still outstanding.

• Mike Wilson agreed to ascertain what the legislation was regarding warning signs regarding speed limits on approach roads to villages – Still outstanding.

• Tony Kershaw had agreed to investigate the possibility of raised kerbs at bus stops – Tony had attended a meeting where this issue was discussed. A survey on the number 2 bus route is currently taking place, when completed a feasibility study will be produced and passed to the developer, Tony was hopeful that this will be taken forward early in the 2007/08 financial year. Jane had been in contact with Highways but the latest news she has is that there are no plans for kerbs to be raised in the near future. We seem to be going round in circles. Wendy to ask Tony when the study is taking place and who is responsible for it. There was some discussion about the 106. David clarified that the money is to be used to improve community facilities and is not ring fenced for Barrow. The £42000 is to be used on route 2 is to improve the route, not just the part in Barrow.

• Wendy was to send a request for funds to the Parish Council – this is on the agenda at item 6.

• Update on the positioning of the posters produced by Nigel Ritchie, our Community Support Officer – there was some discussion about whether the posters are effective. We will monitor the situation.

• Brian to provide a map of the village – we are unable to use this map due to copyright. David will provide a map.

• Brian to ask the Parish Council to consider recommending the bollards on South Street/Melton road removal, a no right turn sign into Melton Road and traffic redirected to the island – still outstanding.

• Insurance position for the Community Speedwatch Scheme – on the agenda at item 4.

• LOGO and letter head – no ideas forthcoming – to be carried forward.

• Village website – Ian has put the minutes so far onto the website.

• Business plan – still outstanding.

4. Community Speedwatch:

Mark had been in contact with Mike, the training will be in Barrow, the date etc has not yet been agreed. Volunteers will be informed as soon as further information is available; Mark asked if there were any more volunteers, Jim could no longer take part, David Yates asked to be included.

Mark had confirmed that there are no issues with insurance; this is included in the scheme.

We still need to appoint a co-ordinator and a deputy co-ordinator who will need to look after the equipment, hand held speed radars and portable speed signs.

5. Map and Top Ten Issues:

Some more issues were added to the list – consideration of traffic lights at the Sileby Road/Grove Lane junction, consideration of a roundabout at the junction of Cotes Road and the High Street, relocation of the health centre and use of the land to extend the car park. Continuation of the bypass.

These issues will be looked at in more depth when we have the map and can consider the overall impact. It was agreed that when all the issues had been considered a report would be put together asking the appropriate bodies to take action. The majority of the group felt it was better to make a full report than to take issues one at a time, with the exception of continuation of the bypass. Wendy to find out who to write to and send a letter.

This opened a discussion about who is the right contact for these issues, does protocol dictate we go through the Parish Council or the County Council or straight to the Highways Department and copy to the Parish Council – Wendy to try to find out.

It was asked who is monitoring the 1st occupancy for the new houses; we think it is the planning Authority at Charnwood Borough Council, to trigger Council Tax liabilities. The County Council Highways is thought to have responsibility to ensure 106 monies are spent. Wendy to ask the Parish Council to write to both the Borough and Highways as soon as it is known the first property is occupied.

David Norton told the meeting he had obtained information about the proposed traffic calming on Cotes Road and Nottingham Road. He has seen the drawings and has been told that all consultation reports, except the fire department are in agreement. As soon as agreement is received from the Fire Department it will be issued to the Borough and Parish Councils. The Parish Council have undertaken to let David know when they receive the report; David will then bring a copy to a meeting so the group can comment. Wendy to inform the Parish Council that we are aware the report will be with them and we wish to be involved in the consultation process.

The local police had sent a letter to all parents at Hall Orchard School asking for consideration when picking up and dropping off children by car. Nigel had also sent a letter explaining that he and a colleague had spent some time looking at the issue of illegal parking. Wendy to ask Nigel for a definition of illegal parking and whether the group can influence the next exercise, where and the times of the day.
Wendy to try to find out details of traffic accidents in and around the village in the last 5 years.

Also to try to find details about a petition signing which took place several years ago, in the round House, about traffic lights on Grove Lane.

Jane had had contact with Councillor Brown from Sileby; a group he had been involved with had used tape across roads to check speed and numbers of cars. Jane will try to get further details.

6. Funding:

The group had been awarded £150 from the Parish Plan Steering Group and £125 as an interim amount form the Parish Council. We have yet to open a bank account – Jane, Carolyn and Wendy agreed to be signatures, Jane will call at the Lloyds Bank in Loughborough to open an account. This bank has been recommended by the Parish Plan Steering Group.

Wendy to ask the Parish Council if we can have a copy of the minutes from the relevant meeting.

7. AOB:

• We need to consider advertising the group to try to encourage new members.
• Wendy to find out whether the village has a local transport plan and whether a community street audit has been done.
• Sue had a copy of some details from Living Streets, the website may be useful –

8. Date and place of next meeting:

The next meeting will be at the Bishop Beveridge club as usual on Tuesday 21 November at 7.30 p.m.

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Last Updated. 10-October-2021 By Admin

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