Traffic Action Group - Meeting 17th April 2007
Barrow upon Soar Traffic Action Group
Meeting to be held on Tuesday 17th April 2007 at 7.30 p.m. at the Bishop Beveridge club on South Street
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of previous meeting – 20 March 2007
3. Community Speed Watch
4. Matters arising from minutes
5. Map and Top Ten Issues
6. Funds
7. Advertising the Group
8. A.O.B.
9. Next meeting
Meeting Tuesday 17th April 2007
Bishop Beveridge Club - 7.30 p.m.
C. Gilchrist I. Knowles C.Shepherd
J. Hardy M. Wilson (LCC) N. Perkins
M. Tansey (chair) J. Tinworth D. Norton
W. Woodhouse (minutes) R. Woodhouse L. Clover (PCSO)
N. Ritchie (PCSO) T. Rodgers (Parish Council)
S. Hobbs
1. Apologies:
V. Brown P. Padmore L. Bell
W. Haynes D. Yates P. Haynes
D. Smith R. Moorhouse B. Smith
M. Smith T. Kershaw
2. Minutes of the previous meeting:
The minutes for the meeting held on 20th March 2007 were agreed.
3. Matters Arising:
• Mike Wilson was asked if the yellow Community Speed Watch signs had to come down or whether they could stay in place. Mike explained they had to come down but he will try to get some ‘Kill your speed’ signs up instead. The Speed Watch signs are still there but Mike will still get some other signs put up when they eventually have to come down. – Item ongoing.
• A question was raised about what would we need to do to get 20 mph speed limit on Bridge Street? This is unlikely as there is no school in the vicinity but Wendy will write to Leicestershire County Council. On reflection, this issue is best included with the map and top ten issues as there could be a consequence elsewhere in the village. – Cleared.
• Figures from the mobile speed cameras on Sileby Road –Tony is still hopeful of getting the information from Byron Rhodes who is chairman of the Police Authority. Mike had asked the question and been told that the information will not be provided for a single road. Wendy is still awaiting a response from the Safety Camera Scheme people. Tony has had a reply from Byron Rhodes, there is a national exemption from Freedom of Information for information on the numbers of people caught at individual speed camera sites, the hours for which the cameras are operational and the actual minimum speed at which enforcement starts. The reasons are that to reveal this information could reduce the effectiveness of the police in carrying out a part of their normal duties. The meeting agreed to accept this. – Item cleared.
• Mike Wilson agreed to ascertain what the legislation was regarding warning signs for speed limits on approach roads to villages – Alan Stephens from Highways, Transportation and Waste Management has written with a response. Countdown markers need authorisation from the Department of Transport who will only consider them where there is a particular problem, such as signs not being very visible, e.g. on a bend. All the signs on the approach roads into Barrow can be easily seen so there is no chance of getting any countdown markers. - Cleared
• The removal of the bollards on South Street/Melton Road and a no right turn sign into Melton Road and traffic redirected to the island –LCC have acknowledged our enquiry and promised a reply within 28 days from 22 March – Item still outstanding.
• Business plan – Wendy attended a session at the Library on 26th March about fund raising, a business plan is apparently not necessary but most organisations which help with funding need to see a constitution. Wendy to do some research for discussion at a later meeting – Item ongoing.
• Illegal Parking – the group felt there should be a period of zero tolerance. Wendy has had a response from Inspector Yallop who agrees with a period of zero tolerance. Nigel said he had been asked to undertake this and would do so for 1 month and then evaluate. He asked that we accept there may be other priorities. – Keep in View.
• Wendy to ascertain details about all traffic accidents in the village in the last 5 years – This information is not held by the Parish Council. The contact is Mick Bradford at Leicestershire County Council who has responded. Wendy has the details if anyone wishes to view. The following is a summary–
Accidents 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total
Slight accidents 5 4 6 1 3 1 20
Serious accidents 1 1 0 1 0 0 3
Fatal accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Casualties 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total
Slight casualties 9 6 8 1 3 1 28
Serious casualties 1 1 0 1 0 0 3
Item cleared.
• Wendy has written to Matthew Lugg, Director of Highways at County Hall about the continuation of the bypass and has received a response. The letter is acknowledged and a detailed reply will be sent as soon as possible. – Item still outstanding.
• Wendy to find out whether the village has a local transport plan and whether a community Street audit had been done – A response has been received, there is no plan just for the village but 2 contacts given – 1) Pete White – responsible for inspections covering general maintainance such as pot holes. 2) Richard Majewitz for traffic issues e.g. research at junctions. Wendy to contact him for further details – Item ongoing.
• Traffic calming on Cotes Road and Nottingham Road – the Parish Council has asked the County Council if the group will be part of the consultation process, the 106 has not yet been put out for consultation – Item still outstanding.
• Re the flooding of Slash Lane – this is a County Council matter that has been ongoing for some time. David felt that we may be able to achieve some re-phrasing of the traffic lights on Bridge Street when Slash Lane is inaccessible. This would improve the flow of the traffic along Sileby Road. The contact would be Matthew Lugg, Director of Highways at LCC. Wendy has written to him and is awaiting response, Wendy to contact Councillor Brown in Sileby to see if they have taken any action. We have received one response from LCC –
‘The County Council’s strategy for investment in improving its highways is set out in the local Transport Plan (LTP) available on the website
Briefly the LTP sets out our transport objectives which are shared with central government and it is also the Council’s bid document for capital investment funding from government. The Council is required to set targets for delivery of these objectives which are regularly monitored through detailed submissions. Achievement of these targets is essential to deliver the objectives and significantly improve transport within Leicestershire over the 5 years of the plan.
Whilst I agree that resolving the flooding at Slash Lane would bring many benefits, it is not easily cured. In order to deliver its LTP objectives and targets the Council is currently unable to make available the level of capital funding required to support such projects.
I regret I cannot be more positive on this occasion’.
– Item still outstanding.
• The issue of drivers and the use of mobile phones – Nigel is still trying to get leaflets etc. – Nigel was unable to attend the meeting but had given Wendy some leaflets for distribution, it was agreed some would be held at the Parish Council offices. These have been distributed and are held at the Parish Council Office, the Paper Shop and the Library. – Item cleared.
• Mark has been informed that there will be an open forum for all the groups formed following the Parish Plan. This will be an opportunity to promote the group and discuss overlapping issues with other groups. It will also be open to villagers. Mark will try to obtain further information. Wendy has contacted Arthur Gardner who has this in hand but no definite arrangements have yet been made. There is a BUSCA evening on 9th May which we have been invited to attend. Other action groups will also be there. We are to give a short talk and be available for questions etc. New residents in the village have been invited. Mike and Wendy to attend. – Item ongoing.
• Proposal for 20 mph speed limit outside Humphrey Perkins High School – Wendy has written to the Parish Council to add the support of the group. Wendy has contacted the school – awaiting a response – Item still outstanding.
• Carolyn had observed a group of people doing a survey just past the raised footpath on the Quorn Road. They were counting vehicles and taking details of the type of car and the number of passengers. It was a private company who do work for LCC. The worry was that there were road works in Sileby that caused less traffic than is usual. The team said they had methods of factoring in discrepancies due to unusual circumstances. Wendy to try to find out more details – Still outstanding.
The raised kerb situation was raised. It was felt that we needed more specific information about when the work is likely to commence. Wendy to contact Tony Kershaw for information.
A question was raised about the traffic enforcement officers that are to be employed by the Borough Council. Nigel has some information, he will email to Wendy. He gave details of the responsible people at the Borough Council – Ken Biddulph and Chris Trail.
4. Community Speed Watch – Mike Wilson:
Mike again thanked all the volunteers, especially Debbie and Roger the 2 co-ordinators. The cameras were used on 19 days, which is good use of the equipment. Mike is having discussions with his manager to see what else can be done with the figures. There will now be covert equipment for 3 days, 24 hours a day in 3 sites.
Mike gave everyone a hand out showing the final figures. This is reproduced at appendix 1. One vehicle was clocked 3 times and another 4 times. The highest speed was on Cotes Road, Strancliffe - 58 mph. The bulk were between 35 and 37 mph.
Mike was asked whether the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) in Woodhouse were a result of Speed Watch, he thought not directly. VAS are the responsibility of Highways. Ted said that the Parish Council had asked for them on Cotes Road and Nottingham Road on the back of the 106 - not optimistic. They had also asked for Sileby Road and were more optimistic.
Mike said that there is a group in Sileby interested in Speed Watch but he did not have details.
Mike Tansey thanked Mike for all his efforts and time.
5. Map and Top Ten Issues: Mike Tansey
Mike recapped the issues. We need to include the junction at Church Street/High Street and the speed problem on Bridge Street.
Speeding generally needs to be included as the Seed Watch campaign shows there is an issue, speeding on Sileby Road to be changed to speeding on all roads entering the village.
It was felt this should be a higher issue than illegal parking on the high street. David pointed out that turning the crossing on the High Street to a pelican crossing is likely to make congestion worse.
The issues are listed at appendix 2.
We now need to look at solutions.
Congestion – There was some discussion which resulted in the following proposal which was carried by the meeting– The traffic lights on the bridge to be removed and the footpath removed to allow two way traffic, a footbridge to be installed for pedestrians.
Traffic lights generally make congestion worse and it would be better to keep the traffic moving. There is not a weight issue on the bridge. It was pointed out that the raised footbridge is becoming dangerous, can this be tackled at the same time. There have been 5 traffic accidents in the area of Bridge Street.
Ted advised that the group write to the Parish Council strongly recommending the proposal and the group and the Parish Council can work together.
Are three any knock on effects, will traffic speed up? What about pedestrians crossing Bridge Street?. We could recommend a lollipop lady at the start and end of the school day.
Can we do a traffic volume survey?
The removal of the lights would also aid the traffic flow when the floods are out. It could encourage more traffic from Sileby as it will be a quicker route. We could try to get traffic calming on Sileby Road on the back of the 106, speed cushions, speed tables and/or a build out of the road near Pingle Nook to give the right of way to vehicles leaving the village could all be considered.
Better signage at Slash Lane is needed. Also better signage for the health services on Sileby Road would help congestion – Wendy to write to them.
Parking around the school/Church Street/Beveridge Street was briefly discussed.
One suggestion was could there be a ‘carrot for the ‘walking buses’.
There will be further discussion at the next meeting.
6. Funds:
There was not time to discuss funds.
7. Advertising the group:
It was asked if we could publish the Speed Watch figures in the Echo and Barrow Voice. Wendy has an article for the next edition of the Barrow Voice in hand. It was agreed we will try to get something in the Echo.
8. A.O.B.:
1. The no entry sign for Grove Lane is not clear enough.
2. Police Matters – Nigel intends to write to the residents of New Street about general parking and to the residents of Cave Road about parking on pavements.
11. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be at the Bishop Beveridge club on Tuesday 15th May at 7.30 p.m.
Top 10 Issues
Traffic Action Group Top 10 Issues
1. Congestion
At the Cotes Road/High street junction, the High Street and North Street on school days caused by cars and buses where there are bottlenecks.
On the High Street at any time of day.
Through the spine of the village – High St. /North St. /Bridge St. at peak times.
On Sileby Road, particularly near the new Health Services offices (Midsummer Leisure)
Widening the Bridge would relieve problems, by taking the pavement away and installing a footbridge.
2. Speeding on all main roads - Sileby Road, Melton Road, Nottingham Road, Cotes Road, Fishpool Way, Bridge Street
It was felt that putting traffic calming on Sileby Road would deter drivers from using the village as a through road and would have a knock on effect of easing congestion.
3. Illegal Parking on the High Street
Particularly parking on the zigzag lines impedes visibility.
4. Grove Lane/South Street Junction
Installation of traffic lights would make the area safer.
Needs better signage to stop vehicles travelling in the wrong direction.
5. Parking around Hall Orchard School.
6. Parking on the pavement
This is a problem to wheel chair and pushchair users throughout the village.
Around the Navigation Inn
7. Pedestrian Crossings
It was felt that the following sites should have pedestrian crossings:
North Street, by the library
South Street, by the Bishop Beveridge Club
Bridge Street, by the entrance to Pigs Close
In addition, the pedestrian crossing on the high Street to be turned into a Pelican Crossing. – felt by some to be a bad idea as it would add to congestion.
8. Lack of Parking in the village centre
Improved signage to the Railway Car Park
Move pedestrian crossing and open up the old parking bays for short term parking.
9. Improvement to the area around Melton Road, New Street and Grove Lane.
The whole area to be looked at so there is a safe route for traffic from the new development.
Alter the verges to provide parking for residents in the jitty, this would relieve congestion on this part of the road, give better visibility and reduce parking on the pavement.
There is a danger that traffic coming round Melton Road at the junction with Grove Lane has to travel along the wrong side of the road, this is made worse by parked cars on the other side of the road causing cars travelling in the opposite direction having to move to the wrong side of the road (Norman’s photo).